Current Exchange Rate for Saudi Riyal in Pakistan
Buying Rate at Rs73.60, Selling Rate at Rs74.10 in Open Market

As of Saturday, the buying rate for one Saudi Riyal in Pakistan is Rs73.60, while the selling rate is Rs74.10 in the open market.
| Date | Latest Exchange Rate | Change |
| October 26, 2024 | Rs73.60 | +5 paisas |
| October 25, 2024 | Rs73.55 | |
The Saudi Riyal, denoted as SAR or SR, is the official currency of Saudi Arabia and is subdivided into 100 halalas.
With the current exchange rate of Rs73.60, converting 500 Saudi Riyals amounts to Rs36,800 in Pakistani currency. Similarly, 1,000 Saudi Riyals would equal Rs73,600.
Individuals with Saudi Riyals can visit banks or exchange company branches in Pakistan to convert their SAR into PKR.
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