Protecting Consumers:CCP’s Penalty on Electric Cable Manufacturers for Concealing Cash Coupons Upheld

Islamabad(Business Reporter);The Competition Appellate Tribunal (CAT) has upheld the Competition Commission of Pakistan’s (CCP) penalty on Zafar Cables for engaging in deceptive marketing practices. The CCP had imposed a penalty of PKR 500,000 on Zafar Cables for concealing cash coupons inside electric wire cable bundles without informing consumers.
The CCP’s enquiry revealed that 18 electric cable manufacturers, including Zafar Cables, were involved in this practice, which benefited only electricians while deceiving end consumers. The CCP’s order stated that the non-disclosure of tokens in electric cables packs is deceptive and constitutes a violation of Section 10 of the Competition Act 2010.
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Zafar Cables challenged the CCP’s order before the CAT but was dismissed due to repeated absence on scheduled hearings. The CAT’s decision protects consumers from hidden costs and ensures transparency in marketing practices.