PTCL-Telenor Merger: CCP Engages Regulators and Stakeholders in In-Depth Discussions
Islamabad-PTCL-Telenor Merger: CCP Engages Regulators and Stakeholders in In-Depth Discussions, The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) is currently conducting a comprehensive Phase II merger analysis of the proposed merger between Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) and Telenor Pakistan (Private) Limited (Telenor). The review aims to assess the potential impact on Pakistan’s telecom market and address concerns from key stakeholders.
CCP is providing key stakeholders an opportunity to present their concerns of potential impact of the merger on Pakistan’s telecom market.
CCP is evaluating the potential benefits of the merger, including cost efficiencies and economies of scale that could enhance financial stability. The analysis will further consider whether the merger could lead to an expansion of network coverage, an increase in capacity, and an improvement in the quality of service for consumers.
One of the primary concerns raised is the potential reduction in the number of cellular mobile operators in Pakistan from four to three, which could alter the competition landscape. Moreover, concerns were also voiced regarding the possible ‘disproportionate’ share of capacity and spectrum that could harm the competitor’s business. The Commission, presently, is analysing Retail LDI Fixed-line Telecommunication Market, Retail Mobile Telecommunication Market, Wholesale Domestic Leased Lines, Wholesale IP Bandwidth and Individual Mobile/Fixed Interconnect Market to safeguard competition concerns.
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CCP is closely examining these issues, particularly the market share dynamics of Pakistan’s mobile network capacity and the risk of creating ‘capacity asymmetry’ in the relevant market.
PTCL filed pre-merger application on 6th March 2024. CCP had 30 days to review the application and issue a Phase I order, according to its law. Phase 1 order was announced on 3rd May 2024 within the timescale specified in the competition law. Phase-I order analyzed that there may be some potential impact on competition in telecom sector therefore, pre-merger application will be considered in Phase II review. CCP has 90 working days to complete this detailed review and issue its order.
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