
K-Electric is Rs177b defaulter of SSGC

Karachi: (Staff Reporter) K-Electric, the power supply company for Karachi, is a defaulter of Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) as it has to pay Rs177billion.

According to SSGC Spokesperson:

The K-Electric is a defaulter of Rs153billion in natural gas bills while Rs24.54 billion is unpaid for RLNG it has purchased from the company.

It has only received Rs530million till September 22 despite being a defaulter of billions of rupees.

SSGC spokesperson said that despite the default payments, the company continued to supply gas to K-Electric.

As per details, Sui Southern Gas’ current gas sales agreement with KE is only for 10 mmcfd of gas and under the 1978 contract, the company is not obligated to supply more gas to K-Electric.

The spokesperson is also added that the natural gas availability has decreased by 26 to 27 percent during the last three years while there has been a significant increase in the number of domestic customers.

According to the source, K-Electric filed a contempt petition to cover up its default on the dues.

The spokesperson added that the K-Electric submitted its response in the response of Sui Southern in the court and the court adjourned the hearing for two weeks.

The spokesperson said the gas supply has not been disconnected despite monthly bill arrears since May 2022.

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