
NDMA Launches e- Learning Tool Kit

The launching ceremony was held at NDMA’s National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC)

Islamabad: NDMA Launches e- Learning Tool Kit. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), in collaboration with United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP), launched an innovative e- learning tool Kit designed to promote Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DI-DRR) for disabled vulnerable communities. The launching ceremony was held at NDMA’s National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC), graced by Chairman NDMA Lt General Inam Haider Malik and Country Heads of STEP & UNESCAP in Pakistan. Ms. Aiko Akiyama, UNESCAP, Muhammad Atif Shiekh, STEP Founder/CEO and Ms. Abia Akram, STEP Director Programs briefed the session about utility of toolkit.

This pioneering e-Learning tool kit is a comprehensive resource aimed at empowering Disaster Management Professionals with essential skills and knowledge to effectively address the needs and concerns of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) during all disaster phases and across various disaster types. The launch of tool Kit signifies a proactive and futuristic approach adopted by the NDMA. It reflects the authority’s commitment to inclusivity and its dedication to building a disaster-resilient future where no one is left behind.

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This initiative also aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, which emphasizes the importance of making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
This tool kit will be available for access by all Disaster Management Professionals through the NEOC’s official platform. Training sessions and workshops will be conducted to facilitate the integration of this tool into existing disaster management frameworks.

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