Young journalist Farrukh Waraich elected as central president of PUJ unopposed for 2023

Lahore: (Staff Reporter) Young journalist and columnist Farrukh Shahbaz Waraich has been elected as central president of the Punjab Union of Journalists (PUJ) unopposed for 2023 after his rival candidates withdrew their nomination papers.
According to the source, this was announced by PUJ Election Commission Chairman Mian Habib in a private hotel on Friday. Farrukh Shahbaz Waraich is a dynamic journalist who has held several key positions in journalistic organizations. Waraich holds a prominent position in various journalistic circles.
As per details he is often seen covering country’s issues through his analysis in different TV talk and morning shows. People belonging to political parties and journalistic circles have congratulated Farrukh Shehbaz Waraich on being elected as PUJ president.
Furthermore they expressed the hope that Farrukh Shahbaz will not only use his skills for making positive opinion of his readers and viewers but also he will give better guidance to journalists in solving their problems.