
Saudi Shura Council Delegation Visits Pakistan, Meets with Parliamentary Caucus on Child Rights

Dr. Shakeel Highlights Caucus's Efforts for Children's Welfare

Islamabad: A distinguished parliamentary delegation from the Shura Council of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, currently on a three-day visit to Pakistan, visited the Parliamentary Caucus on Child Rights (PCCR) at the Parliament House today.

The Convenor of the PCCR, MNA Dr. Nikhat Shakeel, extended a warm welcome to the Shura Council delegation, which expressed its sincere appreciation for the hospitable reception. Dr. Shakeel briefed the delegation on the objectives of the newly established caucus and informed them about its recent consultancy visits to the provincial assemblies of Pakistan to encourage the formation of similar caucuses at the provincial level.

Dr. Shakeel further outlined the caucus’s efforts to promote the welfare of children, detailing the contributions of its members toward ensuring access to quality education for children aged 5-16, the eradication of child labor, addressing the issue of out-of-school children, providing quality healthcare, and combating violence and exploitation, among other critical issues affecting children.

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The delegation engaged in a productive and insightful discussion with the following PCCR members: MNAs Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi, Ms. Asia Naz Tanoli, Mr. Kesoo Mal Kheal Das, Ms. Zeb Jaffar, and Begum Shahida.

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