Sadiq Sanjrani, Mirza Muhammad Afridi call on PM Imran Khan


Islamabad – Mudasser Chudhary:

Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjani and Deputy Chairman Mirza Muhammad Afridi called on Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad today (Monday).

The Prime Minister felicitated them on their election as the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of Senate.

Speaking on the occasion, Imran Khan said leading the Upper House by representatives from Balochistan and erstwhile tribal areas is an honour for the people, who have been ignored in the past, and now their election will further strengthen the federation.

The Prime Minister expressed the hope that the Chairman of the Senate, in his second term, would continue discharging his responsibilities in the Upper House in the same manner in which he had performed his duties in the past. 

Defence Minister Pervaiz Khattak was also present during the meeting.

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