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Punjab govt accuses PTI of being anti-poor

LAHORE – The Punjab caretaker government’s spokesperson accused the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party of being an anti-poor party and not appreciating the availability of food for the less fortunate. The statement was made on Sunday.

The caretaker spokesperson claimed that reports of the non-availability of flour in the open market were based on lies and that the PTI leadership was misleading the people.

He emphasized that free flour was a direct relief to the poor and that it was available in abundance in the open market.

The spokesperson further alleged that the PTI was targeting public welfare projects to score political points. He urged the party to stop spreading lies and misinformation.

The caretaker government of Punjab assured the public that there were no reports of any shortage of flour from any place.

The spokesperson requested that people inform the government in case of any complaints.


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