
PSW introduces Russian language dedicated helpline to facilitate Central Asian Trade

Pakistan recently signed transit agreements with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as part of its vision.

Islamabad-Karachi-Lahore – In a strategic move towards advancing international trade facilitation, Pakistan Single Window (PSW) launched its dedicated Russian language helpline to benefit international transit trade with Central Asia.

Introducing this helpline service addresses a crucial language barrier faced by traders particularly from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan using Pakistani ports as transit routes for imports/exports with Central Asia. The helpline is expected to bridge communication gaps and provide guidance and facilitation to foreign traders for ensuring compliance with Pakistan’s Customs and trade regulations applicable on transit trade.

In addition to the helpline service, PSW is taking another crucial step by incorporating a Russian language option in the WeBOC system’s transit module to facilitate traders and their authorized clearing agents in filing of transit declarations. This step further underscores PSW’s dedication to providing comprehensive solutions for international traders.

The Russian Helpline service operates from Monday to Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm, providing dedicated customer support representatives to address queries. Traders can contact PSW’s helpline at 021-111-111 779 and dial 3 for assistance in Russian.

Pakistan recently signed transit agreements with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as part of its vision to position Pakistan as a trade, transit, and transshipment hub, and to promote regional connectivity with Central Asia and beyond. PSW expects this initiative to not only reduce language barriers but also foster increased trade by providing ease of doing business, and access to information.

About Pakistan Single Window (PSW):
Pakistan Single Window is an initiative of the federal government of Pakistan. It automates and integrates cross-border trade-related procedures of Customs and other government agencies (OGAs) making trade faster, easier, and cheaper. Through the Pakistan Single Window (PSW), traders can submit customs declarations, permits, and other information required by several government agencies through a single, digital portal. In addition to the single window system, PSW launched its Trade Information Portal in March 2022 providing complete guidance on import, export and transit-related procedures, and is working to launch the first phase of the Port Community System.

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