Pakistan recalls ambassador from Iran after airspace violation

The violation, described as an “unprovoked and blatant breach” of Pakistan’s sovereignty.

In a resolute move, Pakistan has taken decisive diplomatic measures in response to the recent violation of its airspace by Iran. The Foreign Office (FO) announced on Wednesday that Pakistan would expel the Iranian ambassador and recall its own envoy from Tehran.

In a sternly worded statement, FO spokesperson Mumtaz Zahrah Baloch emphasized Pakistan’s commitment to upholding its sovereignty and highlighted the gravity of the situation. “Pakistan reserves the right to respond to this illegal act, and the responsibility for the consequences will lie squarely with Iran,” Baloch declared.

The violation, described as an “unprovoked and blatant breach” of Pakistan’s sovereignty, has prompted the country to assert its rights under international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter. Pakistan has conveyed its strong condemnation to the Iranian government and has decided to suspend all high-level visits between the two nations that were either ongoing or planned in the coming days.

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Baloch added, “We have also informed [Iran] that Pakistan has decided to recall its ambassador from Iran, and the Iranian Ambassador to Pakistan, currently in Iran, may not return for the time being.”

This diplomatic response underscores Pakistan’s commitment to maintaining regional stability and adhering to established international norms. The swift and decisive actions taken by Pakistan reflect its determination to protect its sovereignty and address such breaches firmly. The international community will be watching closely as the situation develops and diplomatic channels are navigated to find a resolution to this breach of airspace.

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