
Opportunistic groups in PDM have different, separate directions: Shibli

Islamabad – Mudasser Chudhary:

Taking a jibe at the opposition parties, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz on Wednesday said that those who wanted to start a movement against the government have started one against themselves.

“Those who only have personal interests will be disappointed,” the minister said in his tweet. “The country and its people will not benefit from the divisive politics of a divided opposition.”

May Allah [God] help the opposition to see the people and their problems instead of the ‘chair’ [power], Faraz added.

The information minister added that the groups with vested interests in the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) have different directions and destinations.

he said the people running movement against the government are facing movements against themselves, which is evident from the statements of JUI-F leaders Maulana Sheerani and Hafiz Hussain Ahmed.

The Minister said those who give their personal interests priority will gain nothing except humiliation. He said the chaotic politics of the opposition that has contradictory views will bring nothing good for the country and people. The Minister said he prays that the opposition sees towards people’s problems instead of power.

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