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Israel fails in Gaza operations, US report reveals

Joseph Votel has shared with the media that the situation indicates Hamas’s resilience despite sustaining losses.

According to a report from The Wall Street Journal, US intelligence agencies have confirmed that despite significant aerial and ground operations causing extensive damage in Gaza, Israel has failed to achieve its goal of destroying Hamas.

The report verifies that Hamas still possesses ammunition and rockets for several months to continue the fight, and they retain the capability to launch rockets into Israel, as acknowledged by Israeli authorities. The Israeli claim that their objective was not achieved in destroying Hamas during the Gaza conflict has been supported by American authorities.

American officials have also verified that members of Hamas leadership have returned to areas claimed by Israel to be under its control. Hamas continues to provide security and emergency services through its personnel in these regions.

The Wall Street Journal further notes that Israeli authorities recognize that Hamas members are adapting their strategies for the ongoing conflict. Now, their focus is on engaging in smaller group skirmishes and inflicting losses on Israeli forces while avoiding direct confrontation.

Former US General Joseph Votel has shared with the media that the situation indicates Hamas’s resilience despite sustaining losses.

According to estimates from American intelligence agencies, Hamas has lost approximately 20% to 30% of its combatants from the beginning of the conflict until now. Despite these losses, it is estimated that Hamas had 25,000 to 30,000 fighters before the conflict, in addition to thousands of police officers and other forces.

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It is crucial to note that Israel’s aggressive attacks and indiscriminate bombings in Gaza have been ongoing for a hundred and seven consecutive days. The Israeli assaults have resulted in exceeding 25,000 Palestinian martyrs, with over 62,000 sustaining injuries. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are grappling with severe shortages of food and medicines due to the dire humanitarian situation caused by the conflict.

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