Finance Minister for customizing IMF program in economic contexts of partnering countries

Shamshad attends roundtable discussion on global tax policy reforms for G-24

Mudasser chaudhry(Marrakech (Morocco)_Finance, Revenue, and Economic Affairs Dr Shamshad Akhtar on Saturday underscored the commitment of Pakistan to address climate change challenges through comprehensive strategies and initiatives.

The Minister attended the seminar titled “Transforming Climate Action through Country Climate Development Reports” as part of the series of engagements during World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings.
The session was also joined by representatives from Tajikistan and Malawi, said a press release issued by the Ministry of Finance.
During the discussions, she also expressed firm resolve of the Finance Minister underscored the government for addressing climate change challenges through comprehensive strategies and initiatives.
The diverse panel of experts brought valuable perspectives and experiences to the table, facilitating a rich exchange of ideas and best practices for fostering international cooperation and knowledge-sharing in the global fight against climate change.
Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs Dr Shamshad Akhtar has expressed a firm commitment to the government for fostering international cooperation and innovative tax policy solutions to further strengthen the revenue base in the country.
She participated in the roundtable discussion on Global Tax Policy Reforms and Options for G-24.
The event was held in the backdrop of the annual meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (WB/IMF), said a press release issued by the Ministry of Finance on Saturday.
The event provided a platform for meaningful dialogue on pressing global economic issues and the exploration of dynamic options for tax reform within the G-24 community.
Caretaker Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs Dr Shamshad Akhtar on Saturday emphasised the need for customizing the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme according to the unique economic contexts of the partnering countries. The Minister attended a significant event on the theme of “Making the IMF supported programs work” during the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF in Marrakech.
Based on her extensive experience in financial matters and her leadership in economic affairs, Dr. Akhtar shared her invaluable insights and perspectives for ensuring effective collaboration between governments and international financial institutions.

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