FBR ensures IWCCI & Industry full facilitation for Women Entrepreneurs in tax compliance

Islamabad: (Staff Reporter) Chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)/Secretary Revenue Division, Asim Ahmad held meeting with the office bearers of Islamabad Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IWCCI) to listen tax-related issues and concerns of women entrepreneurs.
The office bearers, Ms Naima Ansari, President, Ms Samina Fazil, Founder President and Ms Zaheema Eckbaull Khattak, Chief Executive Officer, informed the Chairman FBR that women entrepreneurs are facing hardships in tax compliance such as timely return filing and high cost of filing charged by tax practitioners, which is also discouraging new women entrepreneurs to register their businesses with the FBR.
Furthermore they suggested that fixed tax regime for small women entrepreneurs may be introduced. They also requested that awareness sessions on filing tax returns and tax compliance procedures may be arranged in Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry of major cities to encourage women entrepreneurs to make tax compliance with ease.
The Chairman FBR appreciated the suggestions put forth by the office bearer of IWCCI representing more than 1,000 women entrepreneurs and assured them that their valued input would be duly considered for launching initiatives to facilitate women entrepreneurs especially belonging to remote and marginalized areas.
According to the source, The Chairman FBR has issued directions to establish special desk at Gwadar for addressing grievances and concerns of women entrepreneurs and to facilitate them in filing tax returns. Furthermore, the Chairman FBR has issued directions to field formations to hold awareness sessions in WCCI of major cities for facilitation of women entrepreneurs concerning tax compliance.
Member Policy along with Chief Income Tax Policy and Chief Sales Tax Policy were also present in the meeting.