Crackdown against electricity thieves fined & got arrested

An Anti Power Theft and Out Standing Dues Recovery Crackdown Is Continued Successfully
İslamabad: Electricity thieves fined more than 576.751Million 1093 Got Arrested. 2735.80 Million Recovered From Running And Dead Defaulters
Dr. Muhammad Amjad Khan Chief Executive Officer IESCO. By following the directives given by the Government of Pakistan and the Federal Minister of Energy Power Division, a strong crackdown against electricity thieves is going on in all six operation circles of Islamabad Electric Supply Company IESCO
According to the details a comprehensive and indiscriminate Compaign against power pilfers and defaulters was started during September 7th 2023 in all six operation circles of IESCO.
More Details: IESCO’s recovery teams have demonstrated excellent performance
So far IESCO detection teams along with FIA and police checked 1.62 million meters of different tariffs. On account of using direct power supply, slow and tempard meter etc teams charged fines of 576.751 million to power Pilferers 1479 FIRs were registered and 1093 electricity thieves got arrested by the police
With the same passion and devotion IESCO recovery teams recovered an amount of 2735.80 million from 107435 running and dead defaulters and also disconnected transformers and meters of non paying bill customers
More Details: IESCO Cracks Down on Power Theft, Imposes Fines Totaling Millions
Chief Executive Office Dr. Muhammad Amjad
expressed his commitment regarding zero tolerance against power theft and defaulters and said that this national Compaign will continue without any hindrance and we will not allow any one to use even sign units of electricity without paying bill.
IESCO Chief also requested valuable customers to get uninterrupted power supply and for better services please pay electricity bills regularly and report electricity theft on help line number 118 or on 0519252933.