Causes of soil pollution
By:Mahnoor Khan
Class: BS (Botany)
Student of Government Girls Degree
College No 1 Dera Ismail Khan
Soil pollution is a result of many activities by mankind which contaminate the soil. Soil pollution is often associated with indiscriminate use of farming chemicals, such as pesticides, fertilizers etc. Pesticides applied to plants can also leak into the ground, leaving long-lasting effects. In turn, some of the harmful chemicals found in the fertilizers (e.g , Cadmium) may accumulate above their toxiclevels, ironically leading to the poisoning of crops. Heavy metals can enter the soil through the use of polluted water in watering crops. Or through the use of mineral fertilizers. Acid rain caused by industrial fumes missing in rain fasss on the land and could dissolve away some of the important nutrients found in soil, as such change the structure of the soil.
Industrial wastes are one of the leading cause of soil pollution due to improper management and disposal of the toxic wastes generated during industrial activities.Some common soil pollutants that can be sourced from industrial waste are:chlorinated industrial solvants ,dioxins are produced from the manufacture of pesticides and the incineration of waste,plasticizers and polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs).
The agriculture industry makes extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for the growth and maintenance of crops. However, excessive and inefficient use of these toxic chemicals can seriously contaminate the soil. Some important soil contaminants found in pesticides are Triazines, amides, organophosphates, chlorinated hydrocarbons, copper sulphate and thiocarbamates.
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