Bushra Ansari Reflects on Ramadan Traditions and Changes in Celebrations

Bushra Ansari Reflects on Changing Ramadan Traditions

Karachi – Senior actress Bushra Ansari recently shared her thoughts on how Ramadan celebrations have evolved over the years. In a daily vlog, Ansari expressed that in the past, people focused more on worship during the holy month, whereas now Ramadan has become a time of festivities and media-driven content.

Ansari mentioned that today, Ramadan feels more festive, with families preparing meals for Sehri and Iftar, and television channels offering various programs to educate and entertain viewers. She noted that in earlier times, Ramadan was not as lively, and it may have been a better time for worship.

“These days, Ramadan is full of excitement, with food being prepared in every household, and people watching Ramadan transmissions. In fact, I also participate in Ramadan transmissions, and the time passes quickly while watching these shows,” she said.

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However, Bushra Ansari added that during the time when Ramadan transmissions were not as prevalent, people spent more time in worship, reciting the Quran and engaging in prayers and supplications. She believes the focus on religious devotion during Ramadan has somewhat shifted due to the increased popularity of entertainment and media during the holy month.

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