Ahmad Shah’s little sister Ayesha passes away

Ahmad Shah is a famous celebrity kid who we all have seen on ARY in Ramadan transmissions and Jeeto Pakistan. He became viral after his video Peechay Toh Dekho came out. That video made everyone love little Ahmad Shah and he started appearing on different shows. Soon after his little siblings Umar and Abu Bakar started accompanying him and we saw the three siblings spread their cuteness on national television.

Ahmad Shah's Little Sister Ayesha Passes Away


It is a time of deep pain for the family of Ahmad Shah as his only baby sister Ayesha has just passed away. She was unwell and Ahmad had shared that she was in the hospital. She has unfortunately passed away and Ahmad has shared it through his Instagram:

Ahmad Shah's Little Sister Ayesha Passes Away

The four siblings had a beautiful bond and Ahmad used to share a lot of videos with his little sister. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illaihi Rajioon. May the family find peace in this tragic loss.

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