
Nawaz Sharif called for full court in Punjab and KP elections case

London: (Web Desk) Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) Chief Nawaz Sharif called for a full court in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) elections case, stating that two out of three judges of supreme court’s bench of three have given every verdict against him.

According to the source, addressing a news conference, the former premier claimed that the decisions of these benches have put Pakistan on the brink of destruction and demanded answers from retired judges on why he was disqualified.

As per details Mr. Sharif added that this was not just an issue of a truck driver, but a national issue that required a full court. He urged the nation to open their eyes to the hideous joke being played in the country, stating that the decisions of the bench had turned a good nation into beggars.

Furthermore the PMLN leader also spoke about his party’s achievements during his tenure, claiming that they had ended load shedding and terrorism in 2017. He warned that the recent decisions could take the country to an uncertain place and said that people needed to take a stand.

Moreover Nawaz Sharif criticized the lack of funds for medicines for the poor and accused the judges of giving judgments for the sake of one man. He also questioned why Justice Shaukat Siddiqui and General (Retd) Bajwa’s words did not deserve a Suo moto, stating that the country was being run on their own wishes.

Meanwhile in conclusion, Mr. Sharif called on the nation to take a pledge not to allow such decisions to be made and urged Allah to save the country from them. He highlighted that if the bench was not acceptable, then its decision would also not be acceptable, and that a full court should be made instead of a bench of three.

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