Zero Tolerance Approach Will Be Observed Against Power Theft And Facilitation

The Government of Pakistan and all institutions are on the same page against power theft and utilizing all resources to get rid of this crime causing financial and economic loss to country and institutions.
Islamabad: Zero Tolerance Approach Will Be Observed Against Power Theft And Facilitation. In light of instructions received by Federal Minister Power Mr. Awis Ahmed Khan Leghari IESCO Chief Executive has issued strict directives to all IESCO formations that there will no compromise against elements within IESCO or outside to provide facilitation in power theft and extreme action will be initiated against them
He has said that indiscriminate crackdown is ongoing having zero tolerance policy against electricity thieves and facilitators across the IESCO region, but the action against factors providing assistance in power theft is not satisfactory which needs to be accelerated.
Read More: IESCO’s Operations Against Electricity Pilferers Continued
The IESCO chief said that if any IESCO officer or staff is found involved in electricity theft or facilitation, action must be taken by following all departmental regulations Because if the institutions are strong from within, then we can take better action against power thieves and defaulters. If timely action is not taken against corrupt officers and staff, they will not only cause financial loss to the institution but will also cause disrepute to the institution.
Islamabad Electric Supply Company was founded as Rawalpindi Electric Power Company (REPCO) in 1923 during British India-era. In 1972, the company was nationalized and subsequently was taken over by the Government of Pakistan. It was publicly listed on Karachi Stock Exchange until 1985 when it was de-listed from the exchange.
IESCO was formed in 1998 to take over the assets, functions and responsibilities of the erstwhile Islamabad Area Electricity Board, which was then a division of WAPDA.
IESCO’s core function is to supply, distribute and sell electricity in the area from Attock to Jhelum, and from the river Indus to River Neelum in Kashmir. It serves 2.8 million consumers directly, but touches the lives of more than 25 million people living in the 6 districts it services.
Zero Tolerance Approach Will Be Observed Against Power Theft And Facilitation