Torkham Gate Remains Closed for 20 Days, Causing Hardships for Traders and Local Community.

Torkhum-(Hijrat Ali Afridi)-The Torkham Gate, a crucial border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan, has been closed for 20 days, causing significant hardships for traders, exporters, importers, and the local community. The closure has resulted in a substantial loss of business and revenue, with many traders struggling to survive.


To resolve the issue, local elders and traders have initiated a Jirga (peace council) with Afghan traders and elders to negotiate a sustainable ceasefire between Pakistan and Afghan forces. Tajuddin added.


The Afghan Jirga members have agreed to discuss the proposal with Afghan authorities in Kabul, and a meeting is expected soon. Jirga members hope the issue will be resolved and the Torkham Gate will be reopened.


The closure of the Torkham Gate has not only affected trade but also has a significant impact on the local community. Many families rely on the border crossing for their trade, and the closure has left them without a source of income.


The political figures of Khyber have urged the authorities to take immediate action to resolve the issue and reopen the Torkham Gate. They have also appealed for a sustainable ceasefire between Pakistani and Afghan forces to ensure that trade and commerce can resume without any disruptions.

The gate was closed when Afghan border authorities began construction of a bunker in the disputed area near the Pakistan and Afghan border. Heavy weapons have also been used between both forces as a result, one afghan soldier has been died and a civilian got injured. The majority of the population near the border on the Pakistan side (Bacha-Mena) has been relocated, while their houses were damaged by firing from the Afghan side. Tajuddin Shinwari added

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