
Shahzad Akbar, Farogh Naseem rebut ex-FIA chief’s allegations

Islamabad – Staff Reporter:

Federal Minister for Law and Justice Farogh Naseem and Adviser to the Prime Minister on Accountability Shahzad Akbar denied serious allegations levelled by ex-DG FIA Bashir Memon.

Reacting to Memon’s statement, PM Imran’s adviser on accountability Akbar vehemently rejected the claims. He said Memon had committed “slander” and said he had directed his lawyers to initiate legal action against the former head of the FIA.

“Just seen absolute rubbish uttered by Bashir Memon on Shahzeb show. He was never called for any meeting with PM or myself on QFI (Qazi Faez Isa) issue, and there was no meeting with law minister and him as he claims. Similarly he was never told to start any case against any specific individual. Only case referred to FIA was of sedition by the fed cabinet. I have instructed lawyers in personal capacity to initiate legal action for his slander.”

Law minister Naseem said all allegations levelled by Memon were false and baseless, adding that he never spoke a word to the former DG FIA about Justice Isa. He also pinpointed that Azam Khan, Shahzad Akbar and Bashir Memon had never showed up at his office, contrary to Memon’s allegations.

“PM Imran Khan, Azam Khan, or Shahzad Akbar never told me that they had a word about Justice Isa with Bashir Memon,” he added.

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