Punjab records no new Dengue cases in the past 24 hours

Health authorities urge the public to remain vigilant in adopting preventive measures against dengue.

Punjab records no new Dengue cases in the past 24 hours. In a positive development, the Health Department has announced that no new cases of dengue have been reported in Punjab within the last 24 hours, reflecting a momentary respite in the battle against the mosquito-borne disease.

This update comes in the wake of the previous year’s challenges, with the Punjab Health Department confirming a total of 15,185 dengue cases in Punjab during 2023. Notably, Lahore, a significant urban center, accounted for 7,029 of these confirmed cases, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

As of the current report, there are seven dengue patients under medical care in various hospitals across Punjab, with one patient receiving treatment in Lahore. While the numbers indicate an ongoing concern, the absence of new reported cases in the past 24 hours suggests a potential slowdown in the spread of the disease.

More From Daily The Destination: Dengue continues to surge in Punjab; 15,113 cases this year

Health authorities continue to monitor the situation closely, urging the public to remain vigilant in adopting preventive measures against dengue, such as eliminating mosquito breeding grounds and using protective measures like mosquito nets and repellents.

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