Protesters Demand Action Against Immoral Massage Centers in E-11
Islamabad-(Staff Reporter)_A large group of residents and businessmen in the posh E-11 sector of the city staged a protest against the growing number of indecent massage centers in the area. The protesters demanded the immediate closure of these centers, which they claim have become hubs for prostitution and indecency.
The demonstrators, including members of the Property Dealers Association, warned that if the centers are not shut down, they will be forced to expand their protest to the Parliament House. They urged the administration to take swift action to control the growing issue of prostitution and protect Islamic values.
The protesters emphasized that the presence of these massage centers has made it difficult for the business community and residents to live a dignified life. They called for the closure of all such centers to restore the area’s reputation and ensure a safe environment for everyone.
The demonstration was attended by a large number of residents, who expressed their concerns about the growing indecency and prostitution in the area. The protesters vowed to continue their struggle until their demands are met and the area is rid of these indecent massage centers.
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