PM AJK appreciates global agencies’ colossal support in improving region’s health sector


PM Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan has appreciated UN-WHO, UNICEF and other global agencies for their colossal support in improving health sector in Azad Kashmir. AJK PM made these remarks during his meeting with Dr. Palitha Mahipala Country Head, UN-WHO and representatives of UNICEF, Global Alliance for Vaccine and Immunization-GAVI Mission held at PM House Muzaffarabad on Thursday. While welcoming participants of meeting he said that government was looking forward to building a stronger partnership with international organizations in coming future.“I am pleased to say that this (AJK) is most developed region of country”, PM said, adding the region’s literacy rate was 77 percent and health indicators were also better as compared to national level.He said that government of AJ&K has made good progress on 17 sustainable development goals-SDGs.“We are grateful to our global and federal partners in health sector with high regards to Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), UN-WHO UNICEF and Federal Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) through regular programmatic interventions and during emergencies in the health sector”, “We have faced major challenges, several disasters and constantly facing challenges at the Line of Control”,PMsaid, adding that global agencies’ support has been instrumental in dealing with these challenges.“We are thankful to Worthy WR for your special consideration and medical supplies for Line of Control in current year. You have always honored your commitments”.

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