“No concessions will be made regarding the quality and prices of food items.” Nazia Jabeen

Lahore; (Staff Reporter)_Nazia Jabeen , Chief, World Trade Organization Industry Department Punjab, visited Model Bazaar Raiwind. she checked the quality and rate list of food items on the stalls and also asked the opinion of the women who came to shop in Model Bazaar about the quality and prices of the items.
Raiwand Model Bazaar in Lahore where she went to different stalls and checked the quality of vegetables, pulses, fruits, spices and meat etc. She issued strict instructions to all the stall owners to display the rate list in front of the customers in every case and keep all food items covered and spices etc. packed in plastic bags, she said. “No concessions will be made regarding the quality and prices of food items.” Nazia said
She also visited Model Bazar, Sher Shah Colony and interacted with women stall holders and inquired about the facilities offered by Punjab Model Bazaar management. “The widows and poor family breadwinner women are given fifty percent discount on stall rent besides other free facilities of electricity, water and clean rest area etc.” The management of bazaar told to Chief WTO
On a query by media person, Chief WTO said that Secretary Industries, Punjab Dr. Ahmed Javed Qazi has issued instructions to Punjab model bazaar company to give relief to common man in an era of high inflation by providing quality products on reasonable prices.