Lust for power making “one man” crazy: Asif Zardari


Former president Asif Ali Zardari Tuesday came down hard on Imran Khan for criticising army and hurling threats at state officials, stating that Imran Khan’s lust for power was driving him crazy with each passing day,
During a meeting with provincial ministers of Sindh, he said that all four provinces of country were currently faced with an emergency situation due to rains.
“All of us should set politics aside at this time and focus only on our flood-hit brothers and sisters. Their stares in four provinces are at us,” he pointed out.
“But, at this critical time in the country, a man’s lust for power is driving him crazy with each passing day,” he said while clearly hinting at former prime minister Imran Khan.
“This person [Imran Khan] is criticising our army every day while the officers and soldiers of same army are fighting terrorists in two provinces and sacrificing their lives,” he pointed out.
“This person [Imran Khan] threatens the army, the police and then a female judge of judiciary and dares police to arrest him,” he deplored.
“The judiciary has to see if this person is above law. Can this person carry out extra-judicial vengeful actions against me, Mian Nawaz Sharif, my sister and Maryam Nawaz? And can he himself trample down every law?” he questioned.
government and the institutions will have to establish their writ; otherwise, the law, Constitution and institutions will continue falling prey to the desires of this person,” he stressed.

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