Lahore residents and non-residents able to obtain driving licenses from city

Lahore: (Staff Reporter) Lahore residents and non-residents alike would now be able to obtain driving licenses from the city, according to an announcement made on Wednesday.
According to the source, previously, only residents of Lahore were allowed to obtain licenses from the city, but the new policy would allow millions of ID card holders from other districts and provinces, as well as citizens from other countries, to obtain licenses from Lahore as well.
As per details to obtain a license, individuals must visit a license center with an ID card and a copy of the learner permit. After 42 days of the learner permit, the individual would be required to take a sign and road test to obtain the permanent license. Licenses would only be issued to those who pass the test.
Furthermore to make the process more convenient for citizens, several centers in the city were made 24/7, including Liberty Market and Manawan Center. The Arfa Karim Testing Center, Greater Iqbal, Defense Center and Bahria Town Center would provide license services from 8 AM to 12 PM.
Moreover additionally, the city had set up 3 mobile vans, 23 license centers, and 6 testing centers to facilitate the process of obtaining a license. This new policy was expected to benefit a large number of individuals, who will no longer have to travel to their home districts or provinces to obtain a driving license.