Kashmir Global Council has asked a complete shut down on 11th February in Indian administered Kashmir

Kashmir Global President Farooq Siddiqui has said that, The Indian government thought that by hanging Shaheed Maqbool Bhat, they had silenced a lone voice of freedom for Kashmir. If they only knew that at that moment when Shaheed Maqbool Bhat raised his head in honor and closed his eyes in satisfaction as the noose of the gallows of Tihar jail were tightened, his victorious spirit was soaring over the nation of Kashmir and spreading out from generation to generation.
The nobility of Maqbool was to brave the miseries of oppression rather than remaining dormant in silence. He preferred to die for liberty rather than living in cowardly submission. The mission that he embarked on is not complete yet. Its logical end is freedom of Kashmir from occupations. We, the people of Kashmir, are still on the path that leads to the fulfillment of the dream which Shaheed Maqbool Bhat believed in.
We, as a proud nation, have come a long way on this path of struggle and we must complete this path, as failure is not an option with us. Let us fortify our pledge that we will pursue the path that leads to our goal of freedom for Kashmir. And let us resolve that we will not fail in our endeavor.
REMEMBERING: with deep anguish that Martyr MAQBOOL BHAT (Pioneer of Independent Kashmir Movement) was hanged by the Government of India at the infamous Tihar Jail, New Delhi, India on 11th February 1984.
NOTING: with deep grief that Martyr MAQBOOL BHAT’s dead body was not handed over to his relatives but buried in the grounds of Tihar Jail.
CONDEMNING: the inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment to which Martyr MAQBOOL BHAT’s dead body was subjected after his execution.
DEMANDING: the Government of India hand-over the remains of Martyr MAQBOOL BHAT so that he can be honorably buried at the Martyr’s Graveyard at Srinagar, Kashmir.
URGING: all the governments, the Secretary General of the United Nations and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to impress upon the Government of India to accede to the “Peoples’ Demand” and return the body of Martyr Maqbool Bhat to the people of Kashmir befitting burial.