
Indian famous actress Shweta Tiwari talked about her two failed marriages

India: (Web Desk) Actress Shweta Tiwari, who experienced two failed marriages in her life, finally talks about the matter openly. She shared that after the failure of her two marriages people asked her to not to get married for the third time.

According to the source, while talking about the same, Shweta stated: “You be in a live-in relationship for 10 years and leave, no one will question you but if you walk out of a marriage after two years, everyone will say, ‘How many times will she get married?’ People walk up to me to tell me ‘Don’t get married a third time.’ Will I ask them? Who are they? Are they paying for my wedding? This is my decision. This is my life.”

Furthermore she revealed: “People on Instagram tell me that I got married twice and my daughter will marry five times. But maybe she won’t get married at all. Whatever she has already seen, maybe she won’t. Maybe because of what she has seen, she can choose wisely.”

As per details Shweta Tiwari also shared how people treat a woman who is subject to domestic abuse: “In a middle-class family, since childhood, you are told to compromise, to adjust. People tell you a one-two slap is nothing. But my mother never said any such thing.

Moreover they asked ‘what will happen to the kids (if she walks out of the marriage)?’ But when I first got separated at the age of 27, I realized what can happen because as a kid, seeing your parents fights every day or seeing their father walking in drunk is worse than being brought up by a single parent.”

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