Inaugural Session of Rawalpindi District-level Kashmir Consultative committee held

District-level Kashmir Consultative Committees to raise the Kashmir issue at grassroots level: Mushaal
Islamabad: The inaugural session of the Rawalpindi District-level Kashmir Consultative Committee was held. This committee is established under the Broader Kashmir Consultative Committee led by Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Human Rights and Women Empowerment, Mushaal Hussein Mullick. The primary objective of the district-level consultative committees is to address the Kashmir issue at the grassroots level for comprehensive understanding, engagement with the community and to create a platform for meaningful discussions, advocacy, and actions that resonate with the local population.
Speaking at the occasion, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister for Human Rights and Women Empowerment, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, highlighted the significance of such meetings. She emphasized that similar gatherings would be organized in various districts. She announced that the inaugural sessions of the District-level Kashmir Consultative Committees in Lahore, Faisalabad, and Gujranwala were in the preparation phase and would be convened shortly. She further said that these District-level Committees comprise intellectuals spanning various age groups and diverse backgrounds.
Mushaal emphasized that these gatherings would play a pivotal role in organizing and propagating the Kashmir cause at the grassroots level. She underscored that Kashmir stood as a symbol of unity for Pakistan, transcending diverse beliefs and affiliations. She further said that People from all walks of life hold profound reverence for the Kashmir cause, and through these district-level consultations, the aim is to further solidify this unity.
Mushaal urged students and academics to contribute by writing articles, research papers, and essays on the Jammu and Kashmir issue to raise awareness both locally and globally. She expressed her commitment to personally lead door-to-door campaigns to unite people for the Kashmir cause and promote collective efforts to advocate for justice and the rights of the oppressed people of IIOJK.
Mushaal voiced deep concern over the ongoing demographic changes being implemented by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). She highlighted the persecution faced by peaceful leaders of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and emphasized that such actions were intended to demoralize the Kashmiri people. She asserted that these tactics employed by India would never diminish the unwavering zeal and courage of the Kashmiri people.
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Special Assistant to Prime Minister emphasized that the reach of RSS terror had extended globally as its tentacles were spreading across continents, including America, Canada, Australia, and Europe. She stated that RSS terrorists were actively conducting operations to suppress voices worldwide. She urged the Kashmiri diaspora to become the eyes and ears of the world by playing a crucial role in exposing Indian atrocities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and raising awareness about RSS terror campaigns across the globe.
Addressing the occasion, Focal person to SAPM, Ms. Sabien Hussein Mullick said that the District-level Kashmir Consultative Committees would transform the people of Pakistan into the voice of the oppressed in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). She further emphasized that these committees would play a pivotal role in launching media awareness campaigns, conducting seminars at educational institutions, and engaging with international human rights organizations to shed light on the plight of the people of IIOJK under Indian occupation.