Hareem tops in her final year thesis of Textile Designing from Karachi University.

Karachi_The amazingly creative artworks developed by the final year students of Visual Studies Department of Karachi University, concluded after their two days of thesis display at Karachi University.

Hareem Salman Siddiqui, student of final year of Textile Designing mustered the top marks as the jury members comprising of external experts of the trade, adjudged her very artistically designed patterns, as the best amongst this competition.

Hareem created her designs to largely benefit the people who are not blessed with vision by the nature. Her research with the blind community helped her come up with exclusive patterns on fabric and other materials that can be felt by touch of hands.

The splendid creative display in this final year thesis by the students enrolled in the four years bachelor’s degree program in multiple disciplines offered by KU’s Visual Studies Department included graphic designing, film and television, fine arts, animation, Islamic arts, ceramics and glass, industrial design architecture and textile designing who showcased their respective artworks in their exclusive booths.

Art loving people visited this two days thesis display in large numbers to witness the breathtaking concepts, executed with great commitment and perfection. They appreciated these young men and women for developing exceptionally creative masterpieces.

These innovative brains who would be taking up the reins of their respective creative industries in the time to come, need lots of appreciation and motivation from all quarters

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