Encouraging teachers

Writer: Irfan Khan

Undeniably, teachers, who are considered as ‘builders of nations’, hold huge contributions and immense potential in the development of any country, and similarly possess credible role in social boom.

The provision and decoration of well mannered students comes up only feasible on the account of teachers, so called spiritual parents of children, and never can be neglected their pivotal contribution in beautifying society via elevating and embellishing students’ moral cognition. Who they infuse courage to remain industrious, hardworking and disciplined, in children are surely teachers. The latter’s effective and fruitful influence on children, one can observe and encounter really in practical life. As consequently, no need to stipulate more(teachers’ contributions in enlightening children’ future and country’s), this clearly implies the more learned, cognitive and lovely teachers a society possesses, the more balanced and disciplined students will manifest in every walk, the fundamental requirement to march forward on the road to social progress and peace.

One can raise voices and emphasize, equipping teachers with full training and education looms necessary measure, and facilitating them undoubtedly is a bare indicative to devise and scatter enlightenment and rapid progress.

In Pakistan, it is encouraging to see huge pools of talented and bright teachers, holding peerless potentials and outstanding skills. But, unfortunately demonstrates not life of this precocious segment here, as country lacks resources to allow them to invest their axonic and nature gifted skills in more lucrative ways. In addition, best and shining teachers, having great skills compulsively say goodbye to country to go to foreign ones in search of finding better employment to afford the expenses of their families. This countless list includes both those interesting in teaching, who find no opportunities to secure job to teach with zeal and zest and those to whom insufficient wages are available.

As a result, a massive brain-drain is on progress, leading to deprivation of many bright and studious students from shining and well learned teachers. In order to stimulate and kindle children’s keen interest in learning, what appears the basic need is to ensure the availability of good teachers.

That’s why, to excel and revamp learning mechanism inside the country, great responsibilities lead to teachers that other can not perform as they do. For the improvement of learning scenario, first of all, it is essential to craft a conducive environment that truly highlights and encourages students’ skills and potentials. Not surprisingly, recognising children’s hidden skills does not accentuate a piece of cake, instead this is elusive work, but needs incessant focus from teachers’ side through their competencies. The tasks, elaborated above, every good and well understanding teacher assuredly performs and always tries to perform.

Apart from from carrying out these duties, next what emanates really imperious is to strengthen and reinforce students’ mentality and clear understanding about happenings and life’s aims. This indicates, just entrenching students’ concentration in uninteresting subjects should be prevented, despite their interest must be underscored and recognised in the nick of time, and then making efforts to encourage their interest is requisite.
However, archaic teaching methods in Pakistan are on rampant whose halting must be spotted as the focal point as these limit and mitigate students’ ability to think broadly and with curiosity.”Rethinking development comes from education’s improvement.” In this regard, it is crucial to encourage students to think curiously and vastly and to cultivate the habit of ‘ Asking Questions ‘ without any fear in them. Subsequently, along with complying these duties, teachers also need to try their best to inculcate a sense of responsibility and moral values such as tolerance, patience, love, patriotism, brotherhood, and justice in children. All these hard efforts can make an average teacher a great teacher.

Me, you and we all know well, teachers hold immense significance in grooming and equipping children full with education, discipline and leadership qualities, thus gladdening and thriving them in one form or other becomes requisite. No doubt, a nation that respects its teachers grows, prospers and develops. To cherish teachers, the list in this connection includes the incentivises such as cash subsidies, tax exemptions and elevating salaries, enabling to afford express in these rainy days. Besides, granting them free visas to visit foreign countries to learn and teach something new to our ones is inevitable.

As appearances are often dupes, a teacher’s duty should not be only considered, limited just to class, but in fact a teacher builds the students’ minds, personalities, and crafts their future. Not facing physical tiredness a teacher but, actually he/she perennially encounters mental tiredness, more exhausting. Understanding every child, checking their work, roaming every day inside class and so on are marvellous works, that no any other professional can perform.

In brief, apathy towards advocating for teachers’ fundamental rights should be highlighted in the nick of time in order to discourage a surge in brain-drain, which is navigating now. Let Government try its best to champion teachers’ voices and facilitate them.

The writer is contributing columnist, and can be reached at irfankhantareen10@gmail.com

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