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Declaring the dismissal order illegal, the Labour Court reinstated the WASA union leader

Labour Court Multan Overturns Dismissal Order by M.D. Wasa Khalid Raza and Lifts Office Entry Ban

Multan:Adnan Farooq-Declaring the dismissal order illegal, the Labour Court reinstated the WASA union leader.According to the sources, the Labour Court Multan reinstated Wasa Union leader Malik Munir Hans on reprimand and declared the dismissal order by M.D Wasa Khalid Raza as illegal and also removed the ban on office entry.

Three influential officers have filed applications against Abdul Salam, Arif Abbas and Saeed Dogar on anti-corruption and other forums for alleged corruption of crores of rupees.Munir Hans was dismissed from the job. The Labour Court also reprimanded him for making false statements.

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