
Bait ul Maal Supporting Needy Struggles to Pay Its Own Employees

Bait ul Maal Employees Left High and Dry: Salaries Pending Due to Vacant MD Seat

Islamabad(Tazeen Akhtar);Government Department Supporting Needy Struggles to Pay Its Own Employees, The employees of Pakistan Bait ul Maal, a government department providing financial assistance to deserving individuals, are facing an ironic situation. Despite the new budget, their salaries remain pending due to the vacant seat of Managing Director (MD) in Islamabad.

The MD’s approval is required to issue salaries for the new financial year, but the position has been vacant for over a year. The appointment of MD is typically a political decision, with the previous government appointing individuals from their party.

Not only are employees suffering, but the department’s financial assistance programs are also suspended. Officials claim the grant is insufficient to accommodate all cases, and currently, only medical treatment and education cases are being funded.

The recent transfer of Mr. Naveed Sheikh from Ombudsperson office Karachi to Secretary Poverty Alleviation Minister offers a glimmer of hope. The government can direct him to approve employee salaries or expedite the MD appointment. Additionally, releasing sufficient funds to Bait ul Maal would enable the department to address pending financial assistance cases.”

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The salaries can only be issued when a Managing Director gives approval for the new financial year. The MD is mostly a political appointment. Previously Peoples Party used to appoint the MD in Bait ul Maal except one term of Aun Abbas Bappi of PTI. The appointment of MD is one thing while the release of financial support for the deserved is also suspended for at least one year.

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