
Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan Pakistan called onto KhawajaSaad Rafique

Totuiaev Ulanbek Asankulovich, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan and Mr.Yerzhan Kistafin Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Pakistan called onto KhawajaSaad Rafique, Federal Minister for Railways and Aviation here today in his office.
Welcoming the delegates, Khawaja Saad Rafique discussed various mutual bilateral issues. Federal Minister said that Pakistan attaches high importance to its relationship with both the countries and is desirous of further enhancing them in all fields of mutual interests. He also underlined the significance of boosting relationsin various areas particularly in Railways and Aviation. Also, he emphasized to increase trade and investment between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan along with Central Asia as a whole. He also said that the development of direct airspace connectivity between Pakistan and central Asian countries is necessary and need tobe worked on immediately by Ministry of Aviation. Federal Minister said that besides political roots, Pakistanis being Muslims have a deep religious affiliation with Central Asian region. Khawaja Saad Rafique, apprised the dignitaries aboutthe Railways system upgradation initiatives mainly covering ML-1, Thar coal connectivity Trans upon railway and other passengers and freight services improvement measures. With the completion of these projects, they will particularly benefit the trade between Pakistan and Central Asian Republics.
Both the delegates conveyed their deepest sympathies to the Government and thepeople of Pakistan over the devastation caused by the recent floods and offered their sincere condolences on the loss of lives due to such heavy unprecedented monsoon rains in the country. Both Ambassadors showed keen interest in Railwaysand Aviation industries in Pakistan and have expressed their desire to work with the Government of Pakistan in these industries.

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