Torkham Gate reopens for trade after 10-day closure

Torkham Gate is restored for export and import after 10 days.

Hijrat Ali Afridi Khyber

Traders and transporters uttered happiness over the opening of the Torkham Gate, saying that the opening of the gate would benefit trade.

Till March 31, Afghani drivers will be allowed to enter Pakistan under the old schedule i.e. only their valid passports. After that, drivers from both sides will have a visa to cross the border. Sources say.

Senior Vice President of Customs Clearing Agents Association Shah Jahan Shinwari told the media that the opening of Torkham Gate will benefit the trade because the ten-day closure has not only caused losses to the traders and transporters but also the national treasury which has lost crores of rupees daily base. On January 13, the Torkham border was closed due to the imposition of visas on Afghan drivers by the Pakistani authorities.
President Torkham Custom Clearing Agent Association Mr. Aimal Khan Shinwari has also visited Afghanistan and met there with Afghanistan transport authorities to solve the issue related to export and import in Torkham
Mr. Aimal Khan Shinwari told the Daily Destination that both authorities should take serious steps to resolve the visa issue in Torkham. Afghanistan’s authorities assured that they would take solid steps to resolve the problems and continue the trade with Pakistan peacefully.

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