
ACC terms Sethi’s comments on pathway structure as baseless

LAHORE (Abdulrehman )_The Asian Cricket Council (ACC) on Friday termed the comments made by Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Management Committee Chairman Najam Sethi over the matter of the ACC Calendar 2023–24 and the pathway as ‘baseless’.

“It has come to our knowledge that PCB Chairman Mr. Najam Sethi has made a comment on the ACC President unilaterally taking the decision on finalising the calendar and announcing the same,” the ACC said in a press release.

“The ACC wants to clarify that it has followed established due process. The calendar was approved by its Development Committee and Finance & Marketing Committee in a meeting held on December 13, 2022.

“The calendar was then communicated to all the participating members individually, including the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), via an email dated December 22nd, 2022. While responses were received from certain member boards, no comments or suggested modifications were received from PCB.

“In view of the above, Mr. Sethi’s comments on a social media platform are baseless and are vehemently denied by the ACC.”

A day earlier, Mr Sethi took to Twitter, “”It has come to our knowledge that PCB Chairman Mr Najam Sethi has made a comment on the ACC President unilaterally taking the decision on finalising the calendar and announcing the same,” the ACC said in a press release.

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