Chief Of The Naval Staff Chaired 47th Bog Meeting At Bahria University Islamabad

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi NI(M) S.Bt, in his capacity as Pro-Chancellor/ Chairman BoG, chaired the 47th Board of Governors (BoG) Meeting at Bahria University Head Office Islamabad.
The session of BOG commenced with a detailed briefing to the Board on various activities undertaken at the University which included growth and diversification in academic disciplines, infrastructure, budget and new initiatives in academic and non-academic domains.
Chief of the Naval Staff appreciated the dedicated and extensive efforts of Bahira University in not only imparting quality education to the students but also contributing towards their character and personality building through adopting modern teaching pedagogies.Furthermore, he urged that special focus should be given in developing skills like critical thinking, solution-oriented approach, problem-solving and professional grooming among the students.
Earlier, upon arrival, Chief of the Naval Staff inaugurated the Center of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence (CoEAI) at Bahria University Islamabad Campus. During inauguration, CNS emphasized the importance of Research and Development in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on the future of Pakistan.
He desired that the R &Dconducted at the Center should make Bahria University one of the leading hubs of AI competence both at National and International levels.
The BoG meeting was attended by board members including Rector BU, senior Civil/Naval officers and relevant top management of Bahria University.