Indian occupational troops are engaged in war crimes

  • Chotta Bazar Massacre was Genocide of IIoJK

Muzaffarabad – Shoaib Mehmood:

The sit in and demonstration was organized IDDDs with collaboration of Civil society groups in front of Muzffarabad AJK press club. The peaceful demonstrates high lighted the Choota Bazare incident of IIoJK of 1991. 43 people were indiscriminately killed in cold blood by occupational troops of India in Choota Bazar Srinagar. Indian troops who are equipped with special like fence to kill under AFSPA is engaged to carry on the genocide of Kashmir.
The protesters while speaking to sit inn reminded the sane international community to come forward and save the Kashmiris caught under occupation. The havoc of the Indian forces had surpassed any and every international norm, International Law and Genova convention. The people of Kashmir needs to saved from the wrath of Indian occupational Forces because the demand of the Kashmir is legitimate as per UN resolutions.
The speakers stressed that the UN commission shall be allowed with the mandate of the global powers to India. Indian state terrorism had touched all limits.

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