Discouraging beggarism 

Writer Name: Irfan Khan

Islam strictly condemns the unfavourable trend of begging, and assuredly the latter’s condemnation every religion demonstrates. Apart from Quranic verses, reprehending the begging hand, the well renowned and impressive personality of world, the prophet (PBUH) clearly negated and disliked this undesirable trend in practical life, and perennially advised his companions( commonly known as Suhabas) to abstain.

To exert such adamant recrimination on begging, the leading incentive behind this was all to cultivate and strengthen the working potential in people, and to decrease working dependence on one another. No doubt, in the persistence of begging norms, most individuals’ ability to work harder and deal with ups and downs of life slowly and gradually flows to the bottom of ladder, but in the long run, deteriorates the hope and courage to exhibit self working in life. Unsurprisingly, the other reprehensible malpractices such as cheating others, stealing, grabbing and so on, start slowly increasing, suppose when beggars with keeping begging trend from long period are scolded and continuously kept bereft from begging coins.

Once addressing a gathering of some Suhabas, the holy Prophet PBUH urged and exhorted them ‘ Never ask anything from anyone ‘. Elaborating the deep fruitful influence of this expressed Hadith( The sayings of Muhammad PBUH),

Abdurrahman-Bin-Auf claims that the individuals who attentively listened to this sentence, always seemed extremely at a distance from asking any physical help from others, even in the time riding horse, if something had to fall. Great thankfulness to the undying endeavours of Prophet PBUH for the sake of scattering real enlightenment and moral beauty in the life of people, and halting and discouraging the begging trend among Muslims in fact manifests his unimaginable love with people.

Besides representing this Hadith, as the holy Prophet PBUH always thought beggary one of the worst evils that devise moral distortions in people, so similarly he advised ‘ He who works hard, and earns by his own hands is undoubtedly best among people and is at a stone’s throw to the real pleasure of Almighty Allah’. No deniability in what he said, as this aims and incentivises to elevate the fair means of earning and intercepts foul means of earning in people’s daily life.

In the same way, ‘ The one who runs and expects other’s alms and coins inspite of holding access to lunch or dinner food, no doubt searches Jahanum, the Hell, for himself.’, he wholeheartedly said to his companions. Likewise, there are numerous Hadith that accentuate the ugly implications of begging, no doubt, as a reference and proof, quite enough these are to exemplify and clearly admonish others.

Unfortunately and regrettably, beggarism this miserable trend has profoundly entrenched and ripened its roots particularly in many Muslim societies. Undoubtedly, one can encounter and meet such beggars who possess capability to 6 to 8 months assembled food items, but still appear in wretched conditions, extending their hands to passing vehicles on roads and in the streets knocking at the doors. What is crucial to apprehend that even requesting others to accomplish ones own self tasks is a bare reflection of ones lethargy and beggary.

As compared to other nations, unluckily in this vicious and untenable cycle, Muslims can always be seen at peak as no doubt they have left and neglected the teachings of Holy Quran and the Prophet PBUH. One of key reasons behind triggering out poverty is mendicity. To deal with putting an end to this odious ingrained trend, there is the need of dedicated leadership having a visionary future. In addition, mutual collaboration is necessary to foster awareness, and to give a concerted pushback to this evil slowly and steadily.

Unquestionably, this despicable trend too inflicts harm to socio-economic of any country through extending and prevailing unlimited laziness, disappointment and sluggishness in people’s daily routine, indeed leading to the disruption of peace and their moral debilitation. Real contribution to society is to discourage individuals and kith and kins from adopting this degradable habit. Next, what is inevitable is to undertake collective practical steps against this increasing trend, beggarism, no doubt which is not less adverse than poison, bashing out even the potentials of industrious souls.

Moreover, it is mendicity that puts encroachment to the fundamental rights of deserved ones, including orphans, destitute, and widows. For instance, ones assistance of gleaning a few coins to undeserved beggar is a bare indicative of usurping the deserved ones rights as mentioned above.

A little self scrutiny is indispensable to underscore the broken cycles, we have to take with full concentration and deep observations. Do we compell or supplicate others to carry out our own tasks? Do we off and on exhibit ourselves financially fragile despite of being financially stronger and do we expect or believe in others assistance, are essential queries, we have to ask. Great likelihood is there to intercept and mitigate the begging nature in people, if first we strive to abstain from this ourselves.

In the same way, what comes up requisite is to make people familiar with the significance of hardworking and harmful consequences of begging. Is this not true, that we are too good in providing coins to undeserved ones, but we are always unfamiliar to whom we should provide relief and help?

Today, disappointingly, with a putting a bird’s eye view on the current situation of our streets, cities and shopping markets, all these appear ostensibly full of beggars. Many may ask that poverty takes one to such exploitative conditions, yes this is true, but fighting against poverty surely needs true leadership and true commitments. No doubt, a country’s government can do better by utilising sufficient resources in providing decent healthcare, decent education and financial assistance to unfortunate ones, we see everywhere and all the time, such sort of help does not fall in begging category.

In brief, your kind assistance to those destitute whose financial conditions are well known to you is a great virtue. On the other hand, your financial assistance to a economically stable beggar leads to infringing on the rights of deserved people. Be vigilant and sharp, dear readers. Always, be grateful to God who has gifted you good health, so strive to earn through fair means and avoid illicit methods. Refrain from every single act of begging and elevate selfworking as ‘ selfdone is well done.’ Be good in spreading the teachings of Prophet PBUH in order to create and flourish real enlightenment and prosperity in the lives of people.

The writer is contributing columnist, and can be reached at irfankhantareen10@gmail.com

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