Health Experts Sound Alarm as Karachi Braces for Sweltering Heatwave

The onset of this heatwave, which began in late April, coincided with a shift in wind direction and humidity levels, exacerbating the already sweltering conditions in the region.

Karachi: As the mercury continues its ascent, Karachi and its coastal counterparts in Sindh province brace for scorching temperatures in the coming days.

Weather forecasters predict a surge in the thermometer readings, with the possibility of temperatures soaring as high as 46 degrees Celsius in upper and central Sindh.

The port city of Karachi, accustomed to hot summers, is expected to experience temperatures ranging between 36°C to 38°C, further exacerbated by elevated humidity levels, making it feel closer to 40°C-44°C.

In light of these forecasts, health experts are issuing urgent advisories to the citizens, emphasizing the importance of precautionary measures to safeguard against the heatwave. Increased water intake is paramount, they stress, to prevent dehydration and heat-related illnesses.

Furthermore, citizens are urged to exercise caution when venturing outdoors, avoiding prolonged exposure to the scorching sun. Health professionals recommend wearing light, breathable clothing and keeping heads covered to mitigate the effects of the intense heat.

Read More: PMD issues heatwave alert in Punjab from May 12

The onset of this heatwave, which began in late April, coincided with a shift in wind direction and humidity levels, exacerbating the already sweltering conditions in the region.

With the looming threat of extreme temperatures, Karachiites are urged to heed the advice of experts and take proactive steps to stay safe and hydrated amidst the relentless summer heat.

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