5th Feb……. Kashmir Solidarity Day

By: Ghulam Mohiuddin Dar

Kashmiris are indebted and grateful of the tremendous support and immeasurable love of the people of Pakistan which they demonstrate, display and express at every stage and forum nationally as well as Internationally for the peaceful and permanent resolution of Kashmir issue as per the wishes and aspirations of the people of State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan never left their Kashmiri brethren alone in the time of war, hunger, famine, distress, earthquake or any other disaster. Pakistanis feel the pain and agony of their Kashmiri brethren and are using all its resources, missions and diplomats to highlight the Indian atrocious activities of killings, torture, arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings, mass graves, mass rapes, molestation, destruction and deaths of innocent Kashmiri people who are struggling for the liberation of Kashmir from India.

Pakistan is the safe abode for the lacs of Kashmiris, who have taken refuge in this country to avoid Indian wrath. Thousands of Kashmiris felling prey to Indian state terrorism took refuge in Azad Kashmir. It is due to love, sympathy, affection of Pakistani people and Government of Pakistan that Kashmiri refugees have no sense of alienation and consider Pakistan their home. They are living better and comfortable life in the liberated territory of their own State.

In Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the people of Kashmir who are in the state of quagmire and are facing unimaginable atrocities perpetrated by Indian brutal troops are continuing their struggle of completing the unfinished agenda of partition of subcontinent. As per the partition plan Kashmir should have been the part of Pakistan because of its Muslim majority population and geographic position.

History is witness that the issue of Kashmir is still the unfinished agenda of division of sub-continent, which could be finalized only when the people of Kashmir will be given their birth right that is right to self-determination. According to partition plan of subcontinent, geographically contiguous Muslim majority areas were to accede to Pakistan and Hindu majority areas were to go with India. Pakistan was the obvious choice for Kashmiris because of their irreversible geographical, cultural and historical affinity with Pakistan. Kashmir was having overwhelming Muslim majority and the largest common border with Pakistan. Kashmir had no land access to India as all its roads and telecommunication links, trade and commerce were through Pakistan. The only effective link between India and Kashmir was a Muslim majority District Gurdaspur, which was also contiguous to Pakistan and should have been awarded to Pakistan by all rules of logic, law and morality But Indian leaders with imperialistic designs conspired to usurp Kashmir. The joint vicious policy regarding the partition plan of Pandit Jawahir Lal Nehru, Redcliffe and Lord Mountbatten resulted in the unending humanitarian crises in The State of Jammu and Kashmir.

India has no feelings with Kashmiris rather she is only interested in the land of Kashmir. India is hatching every type of conspiracy to change the demography of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Abrogation of articles 370 and 35-A of its own constitution is also a deliberate attempt to subvert and change the Muslim majority factor in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

After the conversion of the State into the Union territory and revocation of special status of Kashmir, India has issued thousands of domiciles to non-state actors and settled them in the disputed territory of Kashmir. India has also settled the Hindu extremists and criminals in the separate colonies built on the name of Shrine boards like Amarnath shrine board in the occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The trigger happy Indian brute forces equipped with various lethal weapons have already martyred lacs of freedom loving Kashmiris. After snatching the autonomy of Kashmir India has deployed further lacs of ruthless troops to suppress the strong voices of Kashmiris for freedom but even after riddling the bodies of brave Kashmiris with bullets and pellets could not oppress their voices and demand for freedom and love for Pakistan.

It is a known fact that the people of Kashmir have unfathomable love for Pakistan and Pakistanis. Pro Pakistan slogans raised in demonstrations and hoisting Pakistan flags in Occupied Kashmir reflect that the hearts of Kashmiris and Pakistanis throb in unison. The coffins of martyrs wrapped in Pakistani flags is a clear and sound message for the Indians and International community that Kashmiris have solid bonds and relations with Pakistan. They are part of one nation and are strongly attached in unbreakable relations and brotherhood. Their relations are so strong that no power on earth can separate them from each other.

Pakistan always feels the hitches, worries, problems, pain and torture faced by the innocent people of Kashmir and are protesting against the gross human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops at all forums of the World. It is an open secret that the Kashmir issue has been the mile stone of Pakistan’s Foreign policy since its existence. Pakistan has been persistently advocating for the settlement of Kashmir dispute in accordance with the wishes of Kashmiri people and UN resolutions at international conferences, bilateral discussions with India and at International Forums. Kashmir Solidarity Day focuses on showing Pakistan’s support and unity with the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, their ongoing freedom struggle, and to pay homage to Kashmiri martyrs who lost their lives for the sacred cause of freedom from the cruel clutches of India.

It is since 1990 when the great leader and Ameer -e- Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan,  Late Qazi Hussain Ahmad has given the idea of observing 5th of February as Kashmir Solidarity Day every year and since then the government and the people of Pakistan, at home and across the world, observe the Kashmir Solidarity Day on 5th February, to reaffirm the pledge to continue their support to their Kashmiri brethren who are carrying on a peaceful struggle to achieve their inalienable right to self-determination promised to them by the international community including India. This year hafiz Naeem ur Rehman Ameer Jamaat-e-Islami renewed the commitment of the people of Pakistan with their Kashmiri brethren by visiting Azad Kashmir on 2nd February. His address to a huge gathering at district headquarters Muzaffarabad had reminded the unbelievable support of the era of Qazi Hussain Ahmad for the suppressed people of Kashmir.

On 5th February, The people of Pakistan express their solidarity with Kashmiri brethren as they share rock-solid cultural, ethical, religious, ideological, geographical and emotional ties for centuries. They observe Kashmir Solidarity Day every year to express their unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support for their right of self-determination, as enshrined in the UN Charter and relevant UN resolutions.

The day of solidarity reflects the love and relation of the people of Pakistan and Kashmir. The tremendous support demonstrated by the Pakistanis on this day reflects their unfathomable love, feelings and concern for their Kashmiri brethren. The day is marked by public processions, special prayers in mosques for the liberation of Kashmir and protests that are carried out against the Indian oppression of Kashmir. Long marches and rallies are held, in which people chant slogans to support the Kashmiri freedom struggle and to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people. The huge public processions, rallies, conferences, seminars, cultural Programmes and formation of Human chain reveals the fact that hearts of Pakistanis and Kashmiris throb in unison.

Pakistanis and Kashmiris form ‘Human Chains’ at different Bridges linking Azad Kashmir with Pakistan, to show solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir. This symbolizes unity and solidarity that Pakistan is part and parcel of their freedom struggle. The National Council of the Arts in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Kashmir Affairs organize number of events to highlight Kashmir cultural activities to commemorate Kashmir Solidarity Day. Pakistani Channels also give due coverage to all events of the Day.

It is a routine that on this day a joint session of The Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly and the upper house of the AJK Parliament, the AJK Council, is held at Muzaffarabad to pay tribute to the people of occupied Jammu & Kashmir for their continuous struggle to achieve their right of self-determination. Through these activities important aspects of the Kashmir dispute and the gross human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir are highlighted.

5th February, Kashmir Day is a national holiday in Pakistan and is observed to show solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir, and to let the world know that Kashmiris and Pakistani are one nation. Pakistan has been consistent in giving all out support to the just cause of Kashmiri people. The sole objective of observing 5th February as Solidarity Day is to seek a peaceful solution to the lingering issue of Kashmir besides a pragmatic message to the international community that Kashmir needs their attention. The Day is also aimed to convey a loud and clear message to India that the Kashmiris are not alone in their struggle.

5th February is a reminder to the world powers that they should use their influence on New Delhi to settle the conflict over Kashmir and implement UN resolutions on this issue. At the same time the supreme sacrifices of Kashmiri people are acknowledged. Now it is responsibility of the world community to realize the sensitivity of the issue. It must take cognizance of the fact that due to India’s unrealistic and intransigent attitude; the peace and stability of the entire South Asia is at stake. The 5th February reminds the world about the urgency involved in an early resolution of the Kashmir dispute for the global peace, security and prosperity.

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