Judicial Boycott Announced Across Major Bar Associations Over Judges’ Transfer to Islamabad
Karachi Bar Joins Nationwide Judicial Boycott Over Judges' Transfers

ISLAMABAD: In a significant development, several bar associations across Pakistan have announced a judicial boycott in response to the transfer of three judges from other provinces to the Islamabad High Court. The Lahore High Court Bar and the Lahore Bar Association have decided to stage a protest today, with a complete strike in subordinate courts in Lahore. Furthermore, they will also boycott proceedings in the Lahore High Court after the lunch break.
The Islamabad High Court Bar Association has also joined the protest, calling for a strike and instructing lawyers not to appear in court. This move comes after the Islamabad High Court Bar, along with the Islamabad Bar Council and District Bar, reached a joint decision to boycott judicial proceedings today.
Adding to the widespread protests, the Karachi Bar Association has declared its own boycott over the transfers, urging lawyers to refrain from participating in judicial activities in solidarity. Karachi Bar President, Aamir Waraich, confirmed that a General Body meeting will be held at 11:30 AM to discuss further steps.
Read more: JCP Approves Appointment of 10 Additional Judges to Peshawar High Court
This collective action by legal bodies across the country highlights growing discontent with judicial appointments and transfers, prompting major cities’ bar associations to express their opposition through coordinated strikes.